Saturday, September 6, 2008

Blog one- Favorite quote and Why

My favorite quote is:

"The important thing is not to stop questioning" - Albert Einstein.

This is my favorite quote because you will never learn if you dont ask. If you just float along blindly then what do you get out of life? Absolutly nothing. In order to get the most out of this one life that we are given, we need to ask. Take the election for an example. If we did not ask what the candidates views were, then we would be voting blindly. We NEED to ask question to pick the best candidate. This quote applies in all areas not just in the election but it was the first example that popped in my head. We should continuing questioning till the day we die. When we are on our death bed we should ask they doctor, "What, When, and Why". We need to question in order to learn

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